Tue 2 Aug 2016

bail hearing canada
By Criminal Lawyer In Brampton

Hire A Lawyer When Applying For Bail Hearing


If not given a Desk Appearance Ticket after an arrest, a criminal defendant will appear before a judge to determine the amount of bail or whether the accused should be held in jail without bail. This can be done at a bail hearing or combined with an arraignment where a formal reading of the charges is made. The judge will usually release a defendant after a bail hearing and set the[...]

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Thu 28 Jul 2016

Brampton Criminal Lawyer
By Criminal Lawyer In Brampton

Criminal Lawyers Brampton Offers Powerful Defence Against Criminal Offences

A criminal lawyer in Brampton is someone who focuses on taking care of criminal situations operating effects such as arson, DRUNK DRIVING, murder, burglary, and so on. The primary duty of a criminal lawyer is to evaluate pieces of evidence and then[...]

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